Here to Write for You
My Past Works - Sample Snippets
Check out some of my written works in this gallery below! Most of my articles are ghostwritten, so I won't know where and when they are published. Even if they do get published, I won't be credited for the write-up. In some cases, I do know where these articles are published! When you click on some of the screenshots below, you will see a link that will direct you to the published article in a new tab.
More written samples are available upon request. You can send me a message to ask for articles written on specific topics or categories, and if I have written something in that category before, I can show it to you too!
I wrote an entire eBook! I also sourced for the images to be used in this ebook and created the eBook on InDesign. Our company designer then helped to enhance the design and this is the final result. You can get the eBook too, but you'll need to get it through the website!
My blog posts were transferred to the blog section in the company's official website. Here's one of the sample posts that I did! I designed the 2nd and 3rd blue-ish images on Canva myself. Read more here:
Listened to a podcast and wrote down some of the main takeaways in this 5-minute read on MindValley. Read more here:
Planned, written and revised some InRealLife stories! View more here:
I wrote the descriptions & section headers for SSCUS, a popular motorsports seating company in Malaysia. Click on the link to see the write-up.
Wrote several articles for foodpanda under 'dish of the day'. My part was more focused on Chinese dishes. Click on the link to see the original article!
Wrote this piece with a Canva image that I created. I also wrote the 3 articles on the right sidebar!
Company profile and web content - standard corporate content writing
This is the blog that I manage for my full-time job. Every single article here has been written by me! :D
I combined two existing articles on CompareHero into a single article with some additional information.
An interview article that I proofread, edit and rewrite. I also wrote the introduction section for this piece.
A published story submission on InRealLife. I also became a freelance writer for this website!
A Chinese to English game translation file.
A short-term project with a client from Canada, this project consisted of 5 articles around 1.5k words each on different aspects of digital marketing. These articles are still unpublished at the moment.
A sample article from my third project with Drasson - project includes writing quotes for various celebration purposes, and then writing the introduction, conclusion and meta descriptions for it.
One article from a more time-consuming project with Drasson that I had - articles featuring men's hairstyles and grooming techniques. I also sourced the pictures for this project.
A more scientific approach for articles about nails and their diseases. Also a project with Drasson.
A snippet from one of the many nail care and grooming article that I have written for one of Drasson's projects. This is my first project with Drasson, which has been ongoing since Feb 2018.
I have written several articles for this Johor-based client, helping to promote his upcoming guesthouse and creating content for his blog.
I have ghostwritten a total of 60 articles for this client so far, each ranging between 500 - 700 words. This is a part of one of the articles I wrote for this client.